Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sewing on a hold...

So without going into details, Ashlee is no longer in preschool. :( We are on the search for a better school that understands Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) and is willing to work with Ashlee, not against. Her last day was last Thursday when we were sugar coated asked to find another school. My heart broke yesterday when she asked if she was going to school, when I said no, she asked why. Luckily Daddy came in and she got to talking to him. I didn't and still don't know how to explain it to her. I hope we find a new school soon. I have one application in at the local university and we are discussing private schools but that means I would have to find a full time job just to pay for it then we would have to figure out how to get her there and home and also to therapy. So we are discussing and praying. If you pray, please do for us and Ashlee. Thanks!

1 comment:

bedroom clocks said...

Thanks for sharing such great post! I love your blog! The family is so fun!